Sell & manage products easily by integrating our API with your Current Website and avail features like buying, selling products over secure HTTPS connections.
All your websites & databases are stored on NVMe disks, meaning 400% faster speeds than traditional providers.
Softaculous one-click installer allows you to install 400 plus applications like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. in few clicks. You and your clients can install these applications in few seconds.
Performance that exceeds your expectations and features you are about to fall in love with.
Our business-class track record means some of the industry’s best uptime performance. We’re so confident in our infrastructure, 99% uptime guarantee.
Enterprise-grade, always on DDoS protection, Our antivirus detects and blocks viruses, malware, spyware, redirects and symlinks in real-time with unbeatable accuracy.
We offer professional website migration service for Free . Our experts will do all the work for you, transferring your files and databases.
The low cost and feature rich best reselling hosting from Costalo gives a head-start to the working of your business.
Software PLUS | Databases | Additional Software |
Latest cPanel | MySQL 5.6 | WordPress |
CloudLinux 6.9 | phpMyAdmin 4.6.6 | Joomla, Prestashop |
PHP 5.5/5.6/7.0 | FTPES Supported | Zend Engine |
Python 2.6.6 | MSSQL Stored Procedures | ionCube Loader |
You can find here a list of frequently asked questions and answers on a particular topic of Shared Hosting.
Reseller hosting business involves 3 parties - you, your merchant (from where you buy the reseller hosting service) and your clients, where you buy a hosting service from a merchant and then sell it to your customers.
Basically, this means that you are reselling the service to your customers and hence, the name is reseller hosting. This is a good option for the aspiring entrepreneurs to start their own web hosting business or current web developers and designers can also add the hosting service to their business.
Follow the simple steps to start your reselling business :
1. Research and select the best and cheap reseller hosting company.
2. Select a reseller plan that meets your business requirements and still comprises of some additional resources that you can sell to your customers.
3. Understand your client base and try to target a new audience that can give you more customer base.
4. Create your own hosting plan with specific resources under your brand name.
5. Decide the price according to your created hosting plans.
6. Start selling the hosting plans among your targeted client base and earn profit from it.
You can attract more clients by offering them unlimited disk space and bandwidth plans.
Reseller advantages can benefit you and your business in many ways such as :
1. It gives you the authority to make independent cPanel control panels for each of your clients.
2. Its main advantage is, you get to act as a hosting company with your brand name. You don't need to share the money that you make from your business.
3. This can make you easy profits.
4. You are the owner to design the hosting plans and packages that you can offer to your clients.
5. You get the liberty to bill your customers using your unique brand name.
6. Also, you can make up the money that you spend buying a reseller hosting plan from the merchant, by selling your plans to more customers.
Costalo Linux reseller hosting plans are least expensive and easy to use to start a hosting business. Under one control panel account, you can set up, manage and operate the backend work of the websites, emails and domain management of your business. You can purchase the Linux reseller hosting from Costalo and add some profit margins to your plans to make money/profit from Linux reseller hosting business.